Hier vind je een overzicht van onze prijzen.
€23.50per maand
- 1x per week
- This is the 1st item
- This is the 2nd item
€28.50per maand
- 2x per week
- >
- This is the 1st item
- This is the 2nd item
€32.50per maand
- 3x per week
- This is the 1st item
- This is the 2nd item
€30.50per maand
- 1x per week
- This is the 1st item
- This is the 2nd item
€33.50per maand
- 2x per week
- This is the 1st item
- This is the 2nd item
€37.50per maand
- 3x per week
- <
- This is the 1st item
- This is the 2nd item
€39.50per maand
- Onbeperkt per week
- This is the 1st item
- This is the 2nd item
2 leden
€52per maand
- 2x per week
- 2 leden
- This is the 1st item
- This is the 2nd item
2 leden
€62per maand
- 3x per week
- 2 leden
- This is the 1st item
- This is the 2nd item
3 leden
€78per maand
- 2x per week
- 3 leden
- This is the 1st item
- This is the 2nd item
3 leden
€90.50per maand
- 3x per week
- 3 leden
- This is the 1st item
- This is the 2nd item
4 leden
€106per maand
- 2x per week
- 4 leden
- This is the 1st item
- This is the 2nd item
4 leden
€109per maand
- 3x per week
- 4 leden
- This is the 1st item
- This is the 2nd item
Voor elk nieuw lid geld eenmalig €15,- inschrijfgeld.